Welcome to Barbee's Blog!
A Window On My World

This is not a daily blog.
Posts will be published on occasion and irregularly as I am able.
Some of these posts are from my web site The Garden At Crocker Croft.
Barbee's Little Shop Is the sales branch of my blog and web site. divider

Saturday, February 07, 2015

His Spoonerism Made Me Smile

No mail today. Federal holiday called "Presidents' Day" celebrating George Washington's and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays. Ha, ha -- My husband came up with a good spoonerism: He said "Today is birthington's wash day, or something like that."

Interviewer: So.... Barbee', how have you been?

Barbee': Well, just so-so.

Interviewer: Where have you been since your post last May; we notice you posted only a few times since then and those only recently. Have you been away?

Barbee': Yes, we did some holiday traveling to visit family members in other states south of here, but I have been here most of the time. I do not travel well, and that trip each year becomes more challenging, and the recovery time takes longer each year.

Also, we had a few days of house-guests, and then other holidays took priority several times. We get to be with our grown children when they come visiting, or we go over to local daughter's home to share a celebration. I am fortunate to be able to do that. The problem is: I'm so terribly slow of mind and body these days it seems the holidays are stepping on each others' heels.

Interviewer: Then, if you were here most of the time why haven't you been posting to your blog? That was a long time.

Barbee': There hasn't been much to blog about. Gardening has become far more challenging for me physically. Then there is always the weather to blame. I was outdoors very little last summer due to the heat which I can no longer tolerate. And then, once the autumn rains begin, that is the end of gardening for the helpers, too. Lots of snow this year has made for beautiful views out the windows, and Local Son has kept the bird feeders going, so we've been grandly entertained.

It is so hard for me to write these days. When I first started my website (not this blog) a few years ago I was that many years younger and would stay up and write into the wee hours of morning. That is my favorite time: after everyone else has gone to bed; the phone and doorbell have quit ringing; the refrigerator being the only electrical appliance running; the furnace has kicked back to its quiet, low nighttime setting; and the house is quiet... then finally, I can think. Now that I'm older, I cannot stay up during the night, and then keep going during the day.

Because, I am a "non-screener"; I cannot screen out distractions around me. Right now the clothes dryer is rumbling nearby; the refrigerator is roaring at the top of the stairs; this computer fan is braying at me; my ears are ringing and screaming; and Husband-Best Friend-Chief Photographer is working on his computer which is about two feet away from me on the adjoining table. His computer is repeatedly making that musical sound that Windows makes (when booting up or something like that - I keep my computer's sound turned off, because I am super sensitive to sounds among other things thanks to my Fibromyalgia). Being an extrovert, he thinks by talking - saying his thoughts out loud he is able to think through things. Nerves on end, skin prickling, I feel like a cat looks when it bushes its fur and tail. So, that is part of the problem and reason of why I haven't been writing much during last summer, autumn, and this winter.

Interviewer: I am sorry you have that problem. I know your readers probably miss you.

Barbee': There are more ways of being "away" than physically. During the heat and other days of bad weather I tended to read other people's work. There are an amazing number of good writers out there, good writers, entertaining writers, writers with very interesting lives whom I enjoy reading very much.

One of the best things about Blogger.com, in my opinion, is its "Follow" system. My own life is dull and boring with nothing to write about: there are no cute pets or other entertaining animals here; my writing ability is minimal; other people's are so much better and more interesting, so I've done a lot of reading instead of writing.

I'm glad I stayed with Blogger.com throughout its ups and downs over the past few years, because its feature called Follow has been a wonderful boon. At last count I am following 224 blogs. Of course, I can't possibly read that many every day. Some bloggers are no longer posting, some post only occasionally, some once a week, or once a month, etc., and yes: some post every day. I haven't deleted the inactive ones, because they are a part of my "collection" where I sometimes delve back into their old posts and read again. I have noticed that I tend toward a lot of blogs featuring animals. I enjoy a vicarious pleasure reading about other people's animals.

Interviewer: Two hundred twenty four blogs! That is hard to believe!

Barbee': Blogs in my collection are from all over the world; are on different topics; and written in different languages. There are many writers far more skilled at writing than I am; I read them because they write so well, an example: Benjamin Vogt's is only one of many. I like my collection, but I feel most insignificant when I read such interesting, well written works.

If you are interested, or just curious, about the collection there is a list, and this is the way to find it. On my blog: look in the sidebar for "ABOUT ME" (above my avatar photo), just below that paragraph find: "VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE", and click on that. Doing so will take you to my page where the last thing on the page is a list of the blogs I follow.

Each title in the list is a click-able link that will take you to that blog. If your blog is not in the list I hope you won't be offended. The truth is, I very well could be reading you, because when I visit other blogs I frequently click titles listed in their sidebars. I guess that's what they call surfing the Web. I'm sorry I don't leave comments, but most days I simply do not have strength enough for it. Chronic inordinate fatigue takes a toll, and most times it's strength of spirit that I am lacking. That's when I leech from other writers.

Tomorrow I get to have a cataract removed from one of my eyes... isn't that exciting and interesting reading... sigh. At least the Eranthis have begun to bloom.

If you want to see pretty pictures, here is one post from a few years ago about our Eranthis.


Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

Dear Barbee

I'm glad you wrote this.

I too keep inactive bloggers in my list - one day, they may start again and I wouldn't want to miss their posts.

I hope the cataract operation goes well. If it does, I imagine that will make a lot of difference to everything.

There is a particular buddleia between my house and town which I photographed once and you commented on so I now connect it with you and think of you every time I pass it - so I think of you a lot!

Don't feel pressed to blog . . . except every so often put a little note to say how you are. I know I am not the only one who bears you in mind.


P.S. Before Christmas I moved from Pictures Just Pictures to Message in a Milk Bottle but, over the holiday season, lost track of who I had told and who not. In case I didn't let you know, my daily pictures are now at

Message in a Milk Bottle


Balisha said...

Hi Barbee...Good luck today with your surgery today. I'll be keeping you in my prayers...please tell us when you're OK.

Balisha said...

As I said in my email...good luck today. You're in my prayers today. Hugs...Balisha

Anonymous said...

Oh Barbee, I wouldn't worry so much about what you call your "boring" life. Just write about the things that interest you and enjoy it for yourself! I write my blog for my own enjoyment. I know there is less garden to write about in winter, so I just wing it till spring comes back. Good to hear from you again!

Balisha said...

Thinking of you, Barbie...hope you're doing well. Balisha

Barbee' said...

Hello Friends, surgery went well, and it's now over 24 hours since then. Today's checkup went well, also. It is an amazing surgery. I do not go back to the doctor until next week. I appreciate all your messages, thank you. You are just the sweetest people!

Skeeter said...

I am so sorry about your Fibromyalgia. I have a close friend with the same disease and she has her ups and downs. Her hubby is active Duty military and he is gone every 30 days for 30 days at a time. I worry about her being home alone and tending to 3 cats all by herself. She lives in TN and I in GA so I don’t get to see her that often. I stayed with her a lot last year when my parents house was flooded. Something as simple as getting the mail and paper for her each day was a task. I could help her with that, trash and other stuff while I was with her. I worry about her when her hubby is gone as she will not ask anyone for help. She stays home alone for days upon days. I am so happy she has the cats to keep her company…

I hope your eyes are better now…
Take care and hugs,

Barbee' said...

Skeeter, what a lovely comment. I feel for your friend; I understand what she is dealing with - as much as any person can understand another person's feelings. What a good friend you are. I am very fortunate to have my husband and local son to help me. I am also fortunate that I do not have small children to care for and do not have to work a job out of the house at this stage of my life. On a brighter side: all our snow is gone and not only are the Eranthis blooming, but now so are snowdrops and crocuses. I think spring has arrived at Crocker Croft!

Inger said...

Dear Barbee, I'm so glad I checked your blog today and found this wonderful interview. Thank you so much for the update, I will check the blog you mentioned, and the flower -- I hope it was a flower. I'm sorry you are not feeling well and I am so honored that you find the energy to comment on my blog. I would love if you could post once in a blue moon, so all those who care about you in blogger land would know how you are doing.--Inger